Water Facts Blog

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A water boiler is a heating appliance that produces hot water for domestic or commercial use. It is important to maintain your water boiler regularly to ensure that it operates safely and efficiently.
Boiler maintenance is essential for ensuring the safety and efficiency of your boiler system. A well-maintained boiler will last longer and require less repairs. It will also produce steam that is cleaner and safer to use.
Tannins are a group of natural compounds that are found in many plants, including trees, bark, and leaves. They are known for their astringent properties, which means they can shrink or dry tissues. Tannins are also effective at binding to metals, which makes them useful for treating boiler water.
Medical centers, commercial buildings, industrial sites and residential apartments can all save money and energy and help prevent service disruptions with proper steam boiler maintenance for their water system. Learn more in our Water Facts.
When it comes to Alkalinity in boiler water it is important to test its levels. If it gets outside of safe operating ranges; it will cause corrosion, embrittlement, and carryover with cooling water systems. where it has a significant effect on chemical treatments for scale and corrosion inhibition.
An overview of what you should know about water treatment systems while working in the water treatment industry.