The addition of pHREADY boosts pH levels, throughout your system, preventing the conditions that encourage the deposition of grease, which can clog lines, and accumulate on the surface of pump stations and your treatment plant.
The accumulation of fats, oils, and grease can be controlled through the use of pHREADY proprietary hydroxide treatment. pHREADY is a strong base, and a moderate pH adjuster, which adds non-carbonate alkalinity to the wastewater. As pH increases, fats, oils, and grease become more soluble. The practical effect on municipal wastewater systems is a rapid, dramatic reduction in fat, oils, and grease buildup within the collection, transport and treatment structures.
pHREADY eliminates the problem, by improving the immediate environment, allowing “good bacteria” to perform their function. By the time the wastewater reaches your reclamation facility, the majority of the F.O.G. has been either consumed or reduced to simpler organics.
pHREADY does NOT transfer fats, oil and grease problems “downstream,” only to reappear in your plant.
With improved pH, solubility is increased significantly, by a factor of 10x in some cases. pHREADY is typically added through a single Feed Unit, and provides multiple benefits throughout your system, from source to discharge.
pHREADY is an effective alkalinity booster designed specifically to work in conjunction with SulfAWAY and BioREADY products to treat odor at the source!