Water Facts Blog

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Legionella, a type of bacteria, can thrive in man-made water systems, posing a serious health threat. It causes Legionnaires' disease, a severe form of pneumonia, and Pontiac fever, a flu-like illness. Fortunately, proactive maintenance strategies can significantly reduce the risk of Legionella growth in your water supply. This message will explore preventative maintenance practices and the crucial water quality parameters to monitor for optimal legionella control.
In the world of water chemistry, alkalinity often plays a crucial, yet somewhat unnoticed, role. It’s not a specific molecule but rather a measure of a water body’s ability to neutralize acids and resist changes in pH. It acts like a buffer, ensuring a stable environment infrastructure.
Corrosion inhibitor for water: Protecting metal infrastructure from the relentless assault of corrosion is crucial in various industries. Water, often the culprit, can accelerate this process, leading to costly repairs and safety concerns. Thankfully, corrosion inhibitors stand as the first line of defense, safeguarding metal surfaces in water systems.
Industrial processes generate a unique blend of wastewater requiring specialized treatment before being safely released or reused. These systems rely on a multi-stage approach to effectively remove contaminants, often exceeding the standards for domestic wastewater treatment.
Water is essential in healthcare settings, not just for basic hygiene but also for complex medical procedures and device processing. Recognizing its critical role, the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) has introduced ST108. This standard evolves from its predecessor, AAMI TIR34. This new standard marks a significant advancement in defining water quality parameters, underscoring the integral link between water quality and patient safety.
Legionella, a menacing bacterium lurking in water systems, poses a genuine threat, leading to severe lung infections like Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever. While Legionella exists naturally in freshwater environments, its proliferation in man-made water systems such as cooling towers, hot tubs, and plumbing can result in health hazards.