Treat Odor At The Source Not At The Discharge
In the modern world of wastewater conveyance and treatment, a primary design consideration for most collection and treatment facilities is controlling the odors in a cost effective manner. As neighborhood and industry developments expand and new wastewater treatment plant customers become less tolerant of nuisance odors, wastewater professionals have found the need to address odor as a primary concern in the design and operation of collection and treatment facilities. As the attention paid to odor control has increased, so has the number of odor control technologies that are available in the marketplace.
Odor control is the use of chemicals to neutralize the pathway for emissions of H2S Gas and the conversion of Sulfur to H2S Gas. ChemREADY offers various technologies available for wastewater odor control, providing both good control characteristics and several levels of economic solutions to meet the needs of our customers. There are a virtually limitless number of unique odor control problems and challenges and while it can be difficult to find a solution, ChemREADY works with our customer partners to develop the most cost effective and practical solution.
pHREADY is an effective alkalinity booster designed specifically to work in conjunction with SulfAWAY and BioREADY products to treat odor at the source!