
Disinfectants for Water Treatment Against Legionella

Legionella is a type of bacteria that can cause Legionnaires’ disease, a serious lung infection. While Legionella is naturally found in water, it can become a significant health threat when it grows and multiplies in warm, stagnant water, such as in hot water systems, cooling towers, and humidifiers. Effective water treatment and Legionella disinfection are essential to prevent the spread of this dangerous bacteria.

Understanding Legionella Disinfection

Legionella disinfection is the process of using various methods, including chemical and physical, to kill or inactivate Legionella bacteria in water systems. This process is vital in safeguarding public health and preventing outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease in buildings and facilities.



Monochloramine is a disinfectant formed by reacting chlorine with ammonia. It is commonly used to treat drinking water and control Legionella bacteria. Monochloramine is less reactive than chlorine, but its stability and persistence make it highly effective in controlling bacterial regrowth and biofilms within water systems.

Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidizing disinfectant that is particularly effective against Legionella bacteria. It has the ability to penetrate biofilms, which are protective layers of bacteria that can shield Legionella from other disinfectants. Due to its effectiveness, chlorine dioxide is often used in large buildings and industrial facilities where the risk of Legionella is high.


Chlorine is one of the most versatile and widely used disinfectants in water treatment. It works by damaging the cell walls of Legionella bacteria and disrupting their metabolism, leading to their death. Chlorine can be added to water in the form of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) or calcium hypochlorite, making it a cost-effective option for many facilities.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a broad-spectrum oxidizing disinfectant effective against a wide range of microorganisms, including Legionella bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is particularly useful in removing biofilms that can form on the surfaces of water pipes and plumbing fixtures, making it an excellent choice for comprehensive water system disinfection.

Chemical Disinfection Methods for Disinfectants

Chemical disinfection remains the most common and effective method for Legionella control in water systems. Common chemicals used include:

  • Chlorine: As mentioned, chlorine is a widely used and cost-effective disinfectant for water treatment.
  • Chlorine Dioxide: Although more expensive than chlorine, chlorine dioxide is a more potent disinfectant, especially in high-risk areas.
  • Ozone: Ozone is another powerful disinfectant that can be dissolved in water. While effective against Legionella, ozone can be corrosive to water pipes and equipment, so it is often used in conjunction with other disinfectants like chlorine.

Alternative Disinfection Methods

In addition to chemical methods, several other approaches can be employed to control Legionella growth in water systems:

  • Temperature Control: Since Legionella bacteria thrive in warm water, maintaining water temperatures below 77°F (25°C) can significantly reduce their growth.
  • Physical Cleaning: Regular cleaning of water system components, including pipes, tanks, and cooling towers, helps remove biofilms and other debris that provide a habitat for Legionella bacteria.
  • Ultraviolet (UV) Irradiation: UV irradiation is a non-chemical disinfection method that can effectively kill Legionella bacteria. UV lamps installed in water pipes emit light that inactivates bacteria as water flows past, providing an additional layer of protection.

Implementing a Legionella Disinfection Program

Many buildings and facilities have established water treatment Legionella disinfection programs to prevent the spread of Legionnaires’ disease. A comprehensive program typically includes:

  • Regular Water Testing: Water systems are routinely tested for Legionella bacteria to monitor and assess the effectiveness of disinfection efforts.
  • Chemical Disinfection: Disinfectants are regularly added to water systems to kill Legionella bacteria.
  • Physical Cleaning: Water system components are cleaned regularly to remove biofilms and other debris.
  • Temperature Control: Water temperatures are carefully maintained below 77°F (25°C) to inhibit Legionella growth.

Best Practices for Legionella Disinfection:

  • Collaborate with a Water Treatment Professional: Work with a qualified expert to develop and implement a Legionella disinfection program tailored to your facility’s needs.
  • Ensure Proper System Design and Sizing: Make sure your water treatment system is correctly designed and sized for your specific building or facility.
  • Conduct Regular Testing: Regular testing of your water system for Legionella bacteria is crucial in identifying and addressing contamination issues.
  • Maintain Your System: Properly maintain your water treatment system and address any leaks or other problems promptly.
  • Train Your Staff: Ensure your staff is trained in Legionella disinfection procedures to maintain high standards of safety and compliance.

By following these best practices, building owners and operators can significantly reduce the risk of Legionnaires’ disease and ensure the safety of their water systems.


What is Legionella, and why is disinfection important?

Legionella is a bacteria that can cause Legionnaires’ disease, a serious lung infection. Disinfection is crucial because it kills or inactivates Legionella bacteria in water systems, preventing the spread of this potentially deadly disease.

What are the most common chemical disinfectants used for Legionella control?

Common chemical disinfectants include chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone. These chemicals are effective at killing Legionella bacteria and are widely used in water treatment programs.

How does temperature control help in preventing Legionella growth?

Legionella bacteria thrive in warm water. By maintaining water temperatures below 77°F (25°C), you can significantly reduce the growth and spread of Legionella in your water systems.

What is UV irradiation, and how does it work for Legionella disinfection?

UV irradiation is a non-chemical disinfection method that uses ultraviolet light to kill Legionella bacteria. UV lamps are installed in water pipes, where they emit light that inactivates bacteria as water flows past.

Why is it important to have a comprehensive Legionella disinfection program?

A comprehensive Legionella disinfection program ensures that all potential risks are managed, from regular water testing to proper system maintenance. This approach helps prevent Legionnaires’ disease and protects the health of building occupants.