Water Treatment Chemicals and AAMI ST108 Disinfection

In the healthcare industry, ensuring patient safety hinges on meticulous sterilization of reusable medical devices. A critical aspect of this process is water quality. The recently introduced ANSI/AAMI ST108 standard sets the benchmark for water used in medical device reprocessing, and water treatment chemicals play a vital role in achieving this standard.

Read Our Article On AAMI ST108

AAMI ST108: A New Era in Water Quality

AAMI ST108 supersedes its predecessor, AAMI TIR34, establishing stricter and more comprehensive guidelines for water quality in medical device reprocessing. This standard emphasizes a multi-pronged approach, encompassing:

  • Three Water Categories: ST108 defines three water classifications: utility water (initial source), critical water (extensively treated), and steam (used for sterilization).
  • Multi-Disciplinary Teams: The standard mandates the creation of dedicated teams responsible for water quality management, ensuring collaboration between personnel handling reprocessing and water treatment systems.
  • Rigorous Monitoring: ST108 outlines stricter water quality testing requirements at various points, from the treatment system to departmental points-of-use.

Water Treatment Chemicals and ST108 Compliance

Water treatment chemicals are essential tools for achieving the water quality outlined in AAMI ST108. Here’s how some key chemicals contribute:

  • Disinfectants: Chemicals like chlorine, chloramines, and ozone effectively eliminate microorganisms in utility water. Selection depends on factors like efficacy against specific pathogens, residual levels, and compatibility with other chemicals.
  • Deionizers: These systems remove dissolved ionic contaminants like minerals and salts, which can interfere with cleaning and disinfection processes.
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO): RO membranes act as a barrier, filtering out a wide range of contaminants, including microorganisms, endotoxins (bacterial toxins), and organic matter. RO permeate (treated water) forms the basis for critical water.
  • Ultrafiltration (UF): UF membranes are another filtration technology, primarily used for removing bacteria, viruses, and other large molecules. They can be used in conjunction with RO for additional purification.
  • Corrosion Inhibitors: These chemicals prevent pipe corrosion, which can release metal contaminants into the water and compromise its quality.
  • pH Adjusters: Maintaining optimal water pH is crucial for disinfection efficacy and preventing corrosion. Acids or bases might be used for pH adjustment.

Choosing the Right Chemicals

Selecting the appropriate water treatment chemicals requires careful consideration of various factors:

  • AAMI ST108 Requirements: The chemicals must ensure water meets the specific quality parameters outlined in the standard for each water category.
  • Compatibility: Compatibility with existing equipment, other treatment chemicals, and the materials used in medical devices is essential.
  • Safety: The chemicals should be safe for personnel handling them and for the environment after proper disposal.
  • Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness: Finding the right balance between effectiveness against contaminants and overall treatment cost is crucial.

Beyond Chemicals: A Holistic Approach

While water treatment chemicals are vital, a holistic approach is necessary for achieving AAMI ST108 compliance. This includes:

  • Proper System Maintenance: Regular maintenance of water treatment equipment ensures optimal performance and consistent water quality.
  • Training and Monitoring: Staff responsible for water treatment and device reprocessing require proper training on AAMI ST108 protocols and effective monitoring procedures.
  • Documentation: Maintaining detailed records of water quality testing and treatment processes is crucial for ensuring compliance and traceability.

By adhering to AAMI ST108 and using the right water treatment chemicals, healthcare facilities can significantly enhance the safety and efficacy of their medical device reprocessing procedures. This, in turn, minimizes the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and promotes better patient outcomes.

Contact ChemREADY today to schedule a consultation. Let us help you navigate AAMI ST108 and ensure the continued safety of your patients.

AAMI ST108 Sterile Processing

The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) has established a new standard, ANSI/AAMI ST108:2023, critical for sterile processing departments (SPDs). Replacing the previous AAMI TIR34 guidelines, ST108 emphasizes a stringent approach to water treatment, application, and monitoring for safe and effective reprocessing of medical devices.

AAMI ST108 Testing and Consulting

At ChemREADY, we understand the critical role sterile processing departments (SPDs) play in patient safety. Reprocessing medical devices effectively requires meticulous attention to detail, and water quality is a cornerstone of this process. The new AAMI ST108 standard sets stringent guidelines for water purity to minimize patient risk.

AAMI ST108 Videos

Contaminated water is a hidden threat to patient safety. The new AAMI ST108 standard raises the bar for water quality in medical device reprocessing. But don't worry, we've got you covered!