Matec Big Bag Plant

What Is A Big Bag Plant?

For smaller shops we provide a wide variety of options. To fulfill the requirements of small- and medium-size stone processing shops, Matec produces plants for the purification of wastewater and sludge flows (up to 400-500 l/min), with the same quality standards and obtaining the same clarification levels that are typical of bigger plants.

The plant itself is modular to allow for further Matec equipment to be added as needed, such as filter presses.

The reason these units are known as Big Bag Plants is because Matec produces systems provided with filtering bags, known as Big Bags (90 cm x 90 cm x 120 cm), matched to silos made of embossed stainless steel.

These bags are designed for plants to handle the sludge filtered out without a press and discharges it into the bag for further dewatering and sludge handling for disposal. The water is cleaned and available for reused.

Plants with 1 to 5 Big Bags can produce from 1500 Kg to 7500 Kg of sludge, with or without a flocculant plant.

What Operations Benefit From A Big Bag Plant?

Operations that focus on treating lower volume materials would benefit from using this system by saving on cost by reusing their water, not having the capital expense of a filter press, ability to manage their solids and a more compact simpler solution.

Water Purification Big Bag Plant

Big bag plants are also capable of handling large volumes and lower % solids. By adding ChemREADY chemicals to the deep cone silo even low percent solids slurries are able to produce clean reusable water and the solids are compacted to a higher % solids until they are able to be discharged into the bag. With this set up you’ll reclaim at least 80-85% of your water back with the use of chemicals.

This affordable option also allows for the installation of a press later down the line. If you’re looking for a phased approach to slowly ramp up operations this plant is for you.